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In Memoriam

Our rescue relies heavily on volunteers. Like many other non-profit organization, volunteers come and go over the years. There are some volunteers that are truly committed to our mission and when we loose them, it has a substantial impact.


Below we recognize a few volunteers that we lost but will never forget.  To donate in memoriam of a beloved volunteer, please use the link below and leave a note for acknowledgements. 

Nancy Johnson

Everyday was a story with my mom and dad. If there was a hurting animal, my mom brought it into the house. I lived with runt babies of every kind sucking out a Pepsi bottle.  When she wasn’t bringing in rescue animals she was connecting with like minded people like Edmund Coffey.

- Kandy Johnson Fullilove, Daughter of Nancy



Diane helped many animals find their forever homes. She had a huge heart and was a blessing for the animals. Her job on earth is done and now we can see her helping the the fur-babies cross the bridge with hugs and kisses.


Edmund Coffey

Edmund believed that all living creatures on Earth have souls and purpose.  He had a special fondness for companion animals, canines and felines, which led him on a lifelong mission of rescuing and providing compassionate care for dogs and cats in need.

Click here to read more.

Samuel Edmund Coffey & Ila Owasin  2014

Sadie Seabolt
Miss Sadie was such a blessing to Bedford Humane Society and the neglected animals of Bedford. She truly had a heart for animals and worked hard all her life to see that they had a better life. She transported animals to the vet, picked up donated food, fostered cats and dogs and just generally made herself available for whatever needed to be done. It’s because of her tireless efforts that we are where we are today. It was such a joy to have met her and get to know her well enough to consider her a true friend. You will be so missed my friend! Written by Janet Linger.

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Skip Vierrether
Skip was a dedicated and valued Board member, foster home volunteer, maintenance person, and transporter for many year.  He loved the dogs and cats he fostered and volunteered at events.  We appreciate everything he did to help our furry friends and will be greatly missed.

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